The Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship offers a variety of programs and events to explore for students, staff, faculty, alumni, and the community to explore startups, research, and innovation. Take a look at our wide variety of experiential learning-based programs, events, workshops, panels, conferences, challenges, and more.

Big Idea Competition
The Big Idea Competition (BIC) launched in 2007 by the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Hosted annually, it has quickly become the largest student pitch competition on campus.

Successful UT Dallas-based entrepreneurs and subject matter experts are available to meet throughout the academic year and have provided key insights and mentorship to dozens of startup founders.

CometX Accelerator
Experiential program that pulls student teams into an environment that incubates ideas and engages prospective customers in preparation for the launch of a new business concept.

UTDesign Startup Challenge
Leveraging experiential learning through the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science’s UT Design senior capstone course to help bring high potential technology startups to life.

Innovation@WORK is an eight-week experiential program, where innovative UTD students’ team will work with executives of major organization to solve a real business challenge.
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